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SHERPA CHAI COVID-19 relief for Nepal

From the team at Sherpa Chai:

“Our founder, Pemba Sherpa, is raising funds and awareness for COVID-19 relief in Nepal, while training for the Dirty 30 Golden Gate 32-mile trail race. While vaccines are readily available and life is getting back to some level of normalcy in the United States, Nepal is having a drastically different experience.  

Nepal’s health care system has broken down and families are scrambling for hospital beds, medical supplies, and ventilators. Government-issued relief funds are gone and the population of those in financial distress continues to grow, with little hope in sight.  

As the Sherpa Chai brand promise is “Taste. Honor. Give.,” it is very important that we provide assistance where we can. As such, for the week of June 7-13, a portion of our sales and 10% of all our Sherpa Chai online sales will go directly to support the Nepalese community fighting this 2nd wave of COVID-19. We so appreciate your support. “

Amrita Koirala wrote:

“My cousin, Asmid Koirala (age 24) passed on May 21st after contracting COVID-19. Our whole family has been devastated by the loss so I am very grateful for these efforts to bring greater attention to the situation in Nepal. Nepal is small country that has suffered a number of tragedies in the last 10 years we simply does not have the resources to help these people as such we are relying on the generosity and compassion of others to prevent more deaths.”